Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Happy St. Jean Baptiste Day!

"La Saint-Jean, la Fête Nationale du Québec, St. Jean Baptiste Day ... it's a day of many names. But whatever you call it, it's one of Montreal's favorite holidays! A chance to honor Quebec's unique heritage, identity and history, June 24 is a statutory day for Montrealers and Quebecers of every creed, color and mother tongue. So if you feel blessed to be part of a culture that affords residents a language and lifestyle unlike anywhere else in North America, don't be shy to get out and celebrate. And since it's a statutory holiday, many businesses shut down for the day so don't forget to consult this list of what's open and closed on the Fête Nationale in Montreal, complete with activity suggestions."

Photo courtesy of France D'amour

I may travel elsewhere, but you know Dorothy said it best, 
"There's no place like home" 

Happy St. Jean Baptiste Day to Quebeccers everywhere!


  1. Il est un jour férié je célèbre toujours dans mon coeur ... sera toujours la maison pour moi.
    Voici donc pour des vacances heureuses ma douce dame ..

  2. Wonderful post. And, truly, there is no placel ike home.

  3. I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Great post!

  4. Thank you for the post. I always love learning different cultures. I hope you had a great holiday! Although I LOVE to travel and always have my one foot out the door, I do love my home in California :)


  5. What a wonderfully patriotic post Shari! I think similarly about living here is Australia - many good things to enjoy & freedoms to have... Wonderful!!
